
Testimonials about the Club from St. Julian's Rugby Club players and their parents.

"Playing at St. Julian's Rugby Club was one of the things that made my time at school truly great. It would be hard to find another club with such great team spirit, and being able to play side by side with your friends, both from school and outside, is an unforgettable experience." Francesco Bernardo - former sub-18 player and Head Boy at St. Julian's School.


"St. Julian's Rugby Club has shown me the greatness of the rugby community - a sensation that I feel is impossible to replicate in any other sport. I hope to find these qualities at university level rugby too." Franziscus Frost – former sub-18 player.


“An encouragement for kids to face their fears.” Diogo Neto – sub-10 player.

“St. Julian's Rugby has given my son confidence, enjoyment and skill development in a fun, friendly and structured manner.  He feels a sense of belonging and the staff, their involvement and ability to motivate is incredible. Thank you for everything.” Angela Harris – parent of sub-8 player.

"Jogo de equipa e usar a cabeça.” Theo Stucky de Quay – sub-12 player.

“Playing for St. Julian's Rugby Club has been one of the greatest sports experiences that I have enjoyed while in Portugal. Team spirit, ambition and commitment are the words that first come to mind to describe the club. It has been and will always remain a pleasure to catch up with the Casuals for a friendly game”. Marc Rodrigues – former sub-18 player.

“O meu testemunho sobre o Rugby neste clube, tem sido muito positivo, e tem proporcionado momentos muito agradáveis. Nesse sentido tenho verificado um maior crescimento no meu filho como pessoa  e como atleta, o Rugby tem lhe oferecido uma maior confiança; disciplina e maturidade, aliando isso ao excelente convivio e demonstrado por todos sem excepçãoo, resultando numa boa adaptação. Também quero fazer referência à  forma profissional como os técnicos realizam os treinos e preparam os jogos, e o excelente ambiente que proporcionam entre os atletas. Espero que assim continuou para as futuras épocas.” Mário Matos – parent of sub-16 player.

“The only thing better than having our son at home with us, is knowing that he is at Rugby training at St. Julian's.” Jane and José Leitão – parents of sub-12 player.

“There are thousands of more things we could say about St. Julian’s rugby Club, but in a nutshell: The Club fosters a great sense of community we, as parents and siblings, would otherwise not experience at school. Children learn values of sportsmanship: fairness, respect, self-esteem, chivalry, discipline, bravery  – great school of life. Physically challenging – good way to get them away from electronics. Children make friendships that will last for their entire lives. Children are exposed to older players and coaches and can look for guidance, when there is little direction within their own peer group during formative teenage years when parents often do not have the same influence.” Anne Frost – parent of one sub-10 player, one sub-12 player, one sub-16 player and one sub-18 player.

“Da minha parte, acho os convívios fenomenais por não dar tanta importância ao competitivismo tão normal em outros desportos coletivos.” Isabel Stucky de Quay – parent of sub-12 player.

"St. Julians Rugby Club provides me with a chance to be serious at sport and to learn about key values like friendship and hard work." Vicente Vegar – sub-10 player.

“Great fun and a massive contribution for healthy character building!” Luís Correia – parent of one sub-12 and one sub-16 player.

“A school of life and for life, an academy of Men, and grassroots for principles such as team spirit, sacrifice and loyalty. These are the basics of such a great sport which are shared and nurtured at the Rugby Club.” Pedro de Noronha Pissarra – parent of one sub-10 and one sub-12 player.

“Match after match, over the course of the season, we witnessed the little guys overcome their fears, grow in confidence as players and embrace the team-spirit. The ethos of rugby is unique compared to most other sports, and this makes it all the more special in that it contributes so positively towards a child’s development of values and character.” Nick Coutts – parent of one sub-10 and one sub-12 player.

“If you don’t feel pain try harder!” Estêvão Neto – sub-12 player.

“St Julian's Rugby has been a most helpful partner in raising our three children, developing mind and body, competition and fair play, fun and discipline. Probably one of the easiest ways of being a good father while having lots of fun in the process..:)” Pedro Martins – parent of one sub-10, one sub-14 and one sub-18 player.

“Rugby can be rough, but with all its rules, it is a Gentlemen's Game. Handshake. Playing well is the focus, the will to win is in the play. Sometimes they win, sometimes they learn. International Rugby Club. In touch with English culture. International Gentlemen's Club. What do you do when you are knocked down? You get up! It is all about how you play, not if you win. Team before Player. Honour. Discipline and Motivation. Attitude and Success.” Aleph and Aegir Zaaruolo – sub-16 and sub-18 players.

“Besides everything the club offers, from top class coaches to amazing tours, at St. Julian's Rugby Club an excellent spirit of rugby flourishes naturally, with all its virtues extending to all aspects of present and future life. For its increasingly good results, but above all for everything this great 'family' has given me, I can safely say that SJRC is undoubtedly the best club in Portugal.” Jaime Lavradio – former sub-18 player.

“Como pai e mãe de dois jogadores do St. Julian's Rugby, um nos sub-14 o outro nos sub-8, o que mais destaca neste clube de Rugby, além da qualidade humana e técnica dos treinadores e organização, são as inúmeras iniciativas a promoverem o envolvimento de todos, o espírito de fazer equipa, o incansável empenho de um clube bem organizado por pessoas qualificadas mas ao mesmo tempo sempre atentos a cada um, aos pormenores, e sempre acessíveis e por vezes com uma boa dose de humor britânico no meio. Por sua vez os jogadores apresentam uma variedade multicultural enriquecedora, com duas línguas ouvidas nos treinos o que desperta a mente destes jovens jugadores de Rugby, e prepara-os para um mundo que podem ver de olhos abertos e horizontes vastos, como os que se vê desde os campos de treino de St. Julian's quando olhamos em direção à Praia de Carcavelos mesmo alí ao pé. É este espírito que as pessoas do St. Julian's Rugby transmitem aos seus jogadores, e será esta a atitude que eles individualmente e como equipa poderão levar perante os desafios do jogo, e os desafios da vida.” Bernardo Pereira e Xurdana Peña – parents of one sub-8 and one sub-14 player.

“St. Julian's Rugby is fun and amazing.” Bernardo Leitão – sub-12 player.

“My son’s grandfather, Spartaco, played Rugby in Rome during the 1940s when there were very few players. My father passed his passion to my elder brother Massimo who devoted his entire life to Rugby in the North of Italy. He used to go to Treviso. Now my son has started with you. He is not yet 8 but brings a family tradition of almost 80 years!” Marica Ferri – parent of sub-8 player.

“The Rugby Club has made it possible to see our sons growing up, looking forward to the weekend games, getting fit, learning about team work, studying hard too, and developing wonderful friendships over the years. We parents have shared in all of that, and helped to build the wonderful club spirit here at home in Carcavelos and away all over Portugal.” Jean Page parent of player in sub-18.

“Perguntei para o meu filho o que ele mais gosta no Rugby.  A resposta me surpreendeu: "Eu gosto do rugby porque faz-me usar a cabeça, faz-me pensar por mim e pelos meus amigos". Todos os que jogam ou gostam de Rugby sabem que, no campo, aprende-se que uma equipa precisa de liderança (um capitão e um treinador dentro e fora dos relvados), que o trabalho em equipa é fundamental (ninguém ganha um jogo sozinho), que a determinação e a disciplina são absolutamente críticas (do primeiro ao último apito do árbitro) e que pode-se perder ou ser derrubado, mas o importante é levantar e seguir em frente de cabeça erguida para o próximo embate (na vida e no relvado). Mas o que ressalta na resposta do meu filho, é o foco na aprendizagem, desde cedo, sobre organização, estrutura, posicionamento, estratégia, criatividade e concentração. Além disso, o Rugby tem um papel muito importante na minha relação com ele. Desde brincar e treinar à bola durante horas, até ver o seus encontros ou viajar para ver os Sevens noutros países, tento sempre utilizar o Rugby para lhe ensinar muito do que ele precisa para uma vida adulta saudável, feliz e participativa. Assim, sempre divertimo-nos e aprendemos juntos.” José Luiz Moutinho – parent of sub-12 player.

“The most important thing that I have been able to take most of the Rugby Club since 2006 hasn't necessarily been the skills, the lessons in discipline or the ability to work efficiently as a team, but the good moments that I have been able to share with my friends. I have been able to make many new friends and consolidate other already developed friendships. The Rugby Club is also evidence that if you give effort and time into something, you will get it back in larger quantities. By immersing myself into the Club's training, social events and coaching, not only have I got a lot of fun out of it, but also other benefits  - such as a trip to South Africa!” Charles Frost – sub-18 player.


"It means a lot to me to feel so proud of the St. Julian’s Rugby boys on the pitch". José Vegar – parent  of sub-10 player.  

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